Industry Profitability

Throwing huge sums of money at a new or particular market in order to achieve dominance is nothing new. The corporate landscape is littered with the financial corpses of over-zealous entrepreneurs who hurtled down the growth path without sparing a thought for the day of reckoning when someone – usually one of the backers – pauses to ask when all this investment is going to result in a profit. The ‘jam tomorrow’ argument eventually wears thin.

Some commentators are already starting to pose the question in relation to the long term future of Alternative Finance providers, including P2P business lenders like ArchOver. It is a fair question since it is no secret that the largest players in the sector – companies like Funding Circle, Ratesetter and Zopa – have all posted bumper losses as if there was some kind competition running to see which of them could lose the most money fastest. The observation that the vast majority of Altfi operators have never been through an economic recession is equally true. Eventually, the music has to stop and there will be some casualties, at which point the pundits will doubtless have a field day.


In the meantime, it is not for us to question the wisdom of others in our sector – we can only speak on our own account. The dash for growth at the expense of profitability or, more importantly, quality has not been the ArchOver way because there has been no need to adopt such a strategy. We are not under pressure from voracious venture capitalists who simply want their money back plus a massive return for their trouble. ArchOver is backed by a 300 year-old institution with a proud reputation to maintain – something infinitely more precious than making a fast buck.

ArchOver’s approach to the vital due diligence processes, backed by the ‘Secured and Insured’ model, not only works, but has been seen to work. £25m of loans facilitated over two years with no losses and no arrears is a considerable achievement. Whether individuals, family offices or small institutions, all of our lenders have been treated equally and have received exactly what they were told to expect at the outset.

On the flip side, borrowers over the ArchOver platform have been treated fairly, with no nasty surprises in terms of hidden fees or charges. The fact that many have returned to seek more finance is testimony to the appeal of our business model and the way in which they have been treated by the team.


How Alternative Finance is Transforming Invoice Discounting and Factoring

We all know that SMEs are the engine of the UK economy. The weakest two parts of the recovery are productivity and export and finance can help bring both up to speed. But for SMEs to continue to grow they need better access to finance. Nowadays the banks aren’t providing it, so who else can SMEs turn to? Factoring and Invoice Discounting providers are readily available. Yet the cost is very high: businesses are losing profit from their services which inevitably hinders growth. The process is clunky and restricts access to other funding. Directors are forced to take out unwelcome Personal Guarantees that muddle the process even more. This is not what SMEs who are running flat out in order to grow need. They need dynamic, flexible finance that offer bespoke solutions to their requirements.

That isn’t to say there aren’t any positives at all to invoice discounting and factoring; it certainly improves a business’s cash flow whilst suppliers can still continue to maintain a direct relationship with customers. Yet the biggest drawback of invoice discounting is how difficult it is to escape from. Once a business enters an arrangement with a provider, they become reliant on the cash flow injection and the debilitating cost of the facility inevitably means they become hooked: it is no wonder it is referred to the crack cocaine of business finance.

Finance has been crying out for diversification and, fortunately, there are some alternatives to be found in the Alternative Finance sphere. “AltFi” is providing the finance that businesses actually need, the finance that’s appropriate to individual SMEs. Directors forced into invoice discounting by an inability to secure a term loan have been able to find a loan through platforms like Funding Circle or ArchOver, which allow them to plan ahead rather than be constantly tied down. At the other end of the scale, Platform Black and Market Invoice offer single invoice discounting which allows businesses to keep control of their invoices, improving the cash flow whilst continuing to grow. However, this does come at a cost. UK Exim provides SMEs engaged with import and export with order book trade finance.

This is the transformation that SMEs need, and the UK economy will benefit from it.