Who can borrow?

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Each potential Borrower must meet the minimum criteria for any ArchOver service:

  • Be a UK Business (excluding Northern Ireland)
  • Be a company which is Private Limited, Public Limited or an LLP partnership
  • Have an established management team
  • Trade Business to Business
  • Have a proven business model, with an experienced well managed team
  • Have assets that can be used as collateral for the loan, for the term of the loan
  • Be able to provide financial projections for the term of the loan
  • Be able to fully satisfy the credit criteria laid out in the Credit Manual for each service

We define the minimum criteria for a Borrower seeking a Secured & Assigned loan as:

  • Trading for at least 3 years, preferably 5
  • Profitable business model, or demonstrate a route to profitability
  • Minimum assignable contracted turnover value of four times the required loan value
  • Low churn of clients, prove that the business can retain clients
  • No immediate changes to the business, no management changes or mergers which can change the model
  • Business registered in England, Wales or Scotland
  • Presence on Companies House
  • An appropriate level of collateral to support the loan during the loan term
  • Provide management accounts and projections for the loan term
  • Provide a cash flow which supports the loan repayments of interest/capital
  • Delivered satisfactory responses to questions raised by ArchOver
  • An established management team with the relevant experience to trade in the sector

Beyond the criteria listed above, all Borrowers must also allow ArchOver to take an all-assets charge over the company and pass our thorough credit analysis, conducted by our expert Credit Team. More details of this can be found under the Security section of these FAQs.